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Governing Board of Claregate Primary School

Claregate Primary School Logo

Who are we?


Apart from representatives of the teaching and non-teaching staff, we are unpaid volunteers who fall into one of four categories: Elected Parent Governor, Staff Governor, Local Authority Governor or Co-opted Governor. The School website details each governor's category. Some of us have a background in education; others are from caring professions or industry. As a team, we like to think that we each bring something unique and valuable to our work at Claregate.

The Governing Board actively promotes ethnic diversity of membership so they truly represent the community that they serve. 

What do we do?


We meet as a full Governing Board three times a year to consider reports by the Headteacher, documents from the Local Authority and changes to the law.


In addition, there are two committees. The Finance and General Purposes Committee meets once per term and manages the school’s income and expenditure, financial standards and pay; the Strategy, Curriculum and Personnel Sub Committee meets once every half term. They take a close look at educational standards – are the children getting a good education at Claregate and how are the school leaders working to improve this? This Committee also deals with staffing matters.


We take an active interest and conduct focused “Learning Walks” to see the work of the school for ourselves. We check on the children’s progress and challenge areas that we think may need attention. We do not baulk from difficult decisions or challenging the leadership of the school and, as experienced professionals, we can support the school as it continually improves.


We particularly enjoy attending school events where children are able to showcase their achievement and talents; we are all child-centred individuals!


Although the role of a Governor is challenging in that it carries a level of responsibility and accountability, it is very rewarding when we see children enjoying school and thriving.

How can you contact us?


We are keen to know what the whole community think. Please talk to us if you wish to make your views known, or please write to the Chair of Governors via the school; correspondence is a standing agenda item.


Please be mindful that, as governors, while we can suggest and make changes to policy at meetings, we have no power as individuals to overrule the school. We adhere to the Claregate Complaint Policy so, if you have a complaint, please contact the school directly in the first instance: governors become involved at the appeal stage only. You may be able to resolve matters with the School through dialogue much more quickly and easily.


If there is a Safeguarding Issue please bring this to the immediate attention of Miss L Evans - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Key Successes of the Governing Board


Ofsted described us as a “highly effective Governing Body”. We have consistently supported innovative curriculum development. We ensure that safeguarding procedures are followed robustly; this is an area of particular expertise for Claregate with a social worker on the Board. We have taken particular interest in the achievement of children with Special Educational Needs and those disadvantaged by poverty. We have examined children’s writing in lessons and can see the improvements brought about by school leaders. Most importantly, we have appointed some wonderful staff who work hard for the benefit of the children and we have re-structured the workforce to achieve better value for money, always a very tricky process!


Please bear in mind that you only see the tip of the iceberg of what staff do during a school day. Unseen is the marking done at home, the meticulous planning in order to teach good lessons, the evening meetings and protective work that goes on confidentially in the background. Staff always appreciate recognition and like to know what is going well and letting them know is a kindness which would be much appreciated.


Stephanie Sherwood

Chair Of Governors

Governing Board Structure

Full Governing Body

Chair of Governors: Miss Stephanie Sherwood

Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs Stacie Ryan

 Strategy, Curriculum and Personnel


Mrs Stacie Ryan (Chair)

Mr Michael Murphy 

Mr David Saunders

Miss Stephanie Sherwood

Ms Hayley Sharma

Ms Bina Sandhu

Ms Jamie-Leigh Price

Ms Firdaws Ali

Mrs Kelly Buckle

Finance and General Purposes

Mrs Amandeep Dulai (Chair)

Mr Michael Murphy 

Mr David Saunders

Mr David Hunt

Ms Bina Sandhu

Mrs Sarah Lea

Mrs Donna Kirkham

Pay Committee


Mrs Amandeep Dulai

Mrs Stacie Ryan

 Staff Dismissal Committee


Any 3 non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest.  We convene this committee as we need to, we do not choose Governors in advance.


Pupil Discipline Committee


Any 3 non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest.  We do not choose these people in advance, we convene this committee as we need to.

Our Link Governors

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Please click here to view our Governors Attendance Archive for previous years.

Governor Attendance - 2024-25

If you require paper copies of anything found on our site then please contact us.

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